Monday, July 23, 2012

Falling Off The Wagon

Alright, so maybe falling off the wagon isn't really an appropriate term here. What is worse than falling off the wagon? Getting back up and running away from the wagon? Yes, that is probably the best way to define my summer. I was blogging, I was eating healthy, and I was working out --- and then I just gave up. I told myself it was okay to indulge (like I always do) since I had earned it by hitting the 20 pound mark. And then I just gave up.

I could blame it on the food --- but I was eating in an on-campus cafeteria and could have easily had a sandwich prepared for me.
I could blame it on the long hours --- but I still had adequate time to exercise on my days off.

It was pure, unadulterated laziness.

But today is the end of it. And I am going to own my mistakes. I am not going to change the weight on the side, other than to reflect how much I weigh today. I want my 15 pound summer spike to be a reminder to me of what slipped away from me, and a challenge to me over the next few weeks.

Please wish me luck as I jump back on the wagon. Please wish me luck as I attempt to take on the return of RPS training and work (which is filled with pizza and unhealthy options) while remaining consistent with my eating and exercising.

And ultimately, please wish me luck that I can somehow, someway finally beat this and get healthy.

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