Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hungry, Hungry, Hungry

Okay, so I have been super hungry over the last week. Hungry to the point that I asked my husband not to purchase anything that could be considered snackable, because I would eat. it. all.

I know I am not under-eating. I am getting plenty of calories and losing weight slowly. An average of 2-3 pounds a week, which is on par with healthy standards.

Any suggestions on how to deal when you want to eat everything in sight?

Monday, January 13, 2014


I hit my first 5 pound mark. I thought it would feel better, but I am struggling to believe that I can actually do this. I struggle knowing I have made promises to myself that I have not kept. I struggle fearing I have made promises to myself I cannot keep.

I've been thinking about ways to reward myself that don't involve food. The problem is that I don't like many of the things most women enjoy. I won't want to go shopping for new clothes. I won't want new jewelry, or makeup. The only thing remotely feminine I can think of is getting a pedicure, or getting my hair cut and colored.

Any suggestions on ways to reward myself for milestones?